Josh Clymer Update: 500,000 Mile Acura TSX Achievement!

Odometer (Integra):  235,869


Ladies and gentlemen:  He’s made it.  Join me in welcoming Mr. Josh Clymer to the Half-Million-Mile Club (HMMC) and extending heartfelt congratulations on this impressive achievement.


I’ve followed Josh for some time now – a few years, in fact, since I first stumbled across his then-300-something-thousand mile Acura TSX on Acura’s Facebook page.  Over the years I’ve watched him dutifully log miles during his work commute and post updates from time to time.  His blog is at  I’ve also seen him total his car – twice – and rebuild it at great expense to keep it alive.  I’ve seen him surpass now both the 400,000 and 500,000 mile marks.  And this car doesn’t seem like it’s stopping any time soon.

It was Saturday, June 25th around 4:00 in the afternoon when we departed Josh’s home in Kuna, Idaho with 499,998 miles on the odometer to fulfill his long-awaited Big Five milestone.  I’d just arrived moments earlier in my newly-acquired 1992 Acura Integra GS-R but we left it parked – I wanted to ride shotgun for Josh’s special moment.  More, later, on that Integra.  The destination for our 500,000 mile ride was none other than Kuna’s top-rated Mexican restaurant, called Enrique’s.  I treated Josh to dinner and presented him with a glass plaque that Jason of Driven for Drives and I had made up.

So here you go:  Join the event in the below 6-minute video.  I apologize in advance if I blow your eardrums at around 4:30 on the timer because I sort of screamed in the video.  Guess you had to be there.

Heading out for the big moment


Southbound Linder Rd just before the roll-over


There’s the spot!  Boise Street, I think.  Westbound after we’d made a corner.


Let’s get a close-up of that excitement!


Josh told me I couldn’t post this one.  I’m going to anyway, ha!  But I want to mention here that Josh has TWO blue Acura hats.  One tried and true example that he retired, and a brand new one that he donned after his milestone.


Celebratory dinner spot


Chicken fajita burrito.  I could eat only half of it.  The other half went to Josh’s dog, Abby.


Presentation of the glass plaque.


And the victorious TSX looking proud.


Congrats, my friend!

34 Responses to “Josh Clymer Update: 500,000 Mile Acura TSX Achievement!”

  1. Congratulations to Josh! The car genuinely doesn’t look like it’s done that sort of mileage. Look forward to reading about your new Integra soon too, Tyson!

    • Thanks Adam! I’m still about 400 miles from home but will get there tonight, and probably post something later this week about the Integra. Hope you had a great weekend!

  2. Midnight Mystery Says:

    This describes the big event so well!!!

    Once again, congratulations Josh!!!!

    I’m loving the odometer pictures!!!

    Also, Tyson, good find on the Integra GS-R from what I hear those are somthing special…

    Beautiful pair of Acuras there!!!

    • Awesome, thanks for reading and commenting! The odometer readings are a tradition on this blog since I started it 5 years ago :). As for the Integra, you are right that it’s pretty rare. Especially in stock condition! More on that soon.

  3. That TSX looks like it could go another 500k! What a great achievement. Nice Integra, by the way! Your friend ETCG just acquired one as well.

    • Yeah, I couldn’t get over the condition of Josh’s TSX – we commented about his seats while I was up there. The leather is still soft! Guess that’s partly due to the fact that he lives in a climate that’s a little friendlier to interior than AZ. What! I didn’t know Eric picked up a Teg. He and I are on the same wavelength when it comes to car collecting I guess. We emailed back and forth awhile back when he picked up his (maroon) Vigor. I think he’s since grabbed another….

      • Midnight Mystery Says:

        I was reading my email and read a guy named Eric got a motion Vigora while back and another one since, and now an Integra…

        Something seemed off…

        That’s because I just saw all of this on Facebook the other day…

        I’ve been watching him for a while now…

        I didn’t know you knew each other, but I guess I can’t be that surprised…

        The Legendary enthusiast of Acuras and a little Vtec I guess…

  4. autoscribe1974 Says:

    Fun video- cheers to Josh!

  5. Oh Yeah!!! I love the video of Josh reaching 500,000 miles! I just saw the video. I don’t look forward to Mondays but you just made my day Tyson. 😀

    • I’m glad you liked the video! Hopefully it made you feel like you could be there celebrating with us. I definitely got a little cheesy in it, but figured the enthusiasm was valid 🙂 Happy Monday!

  6. Conor Kenrick Says:

    GO JOSH! Vanessa and I send our congratulations!!

  7. Thanks for posting that picture Craphead… lol

  8. HAHAHA That scream! You’re excitement was worth watching the whole 6 minutes. Congrats to Josh… especially after two rebuilds. Now that’s passion.

  9. Well done…
    Congrats to Josh!

    • Thanks, Hy. He’ll appreciate that. Shows you what your 2004 is capable of. Have you crossed the 70,000 mile mark yet? 🙂

      • Sorry not yet, too busy with the remodel… nonetheless I’m shooting for “drive to twenty five” where regardless of miles I’m noted for being an original owner of a 25 year old car 🙂

  10. Congrats Josh! A well deserved honorary post here. So cool you could witness this milestone, Tyson!

    • Thanks Jason – it really was “meant to be,” how my travels took me through Boise this past weekend and I was able to be a part of the event. I only wish I’d taken a red carpet rug or something to have him drive across. Haha

  11. Midnight Mystery Says:

    I get the same way with milestones, I hope to cross some of my own one day!!!

    Is it me, or are high-milage cars more “loved”?

    • Depends! Sometimes a low-mileage car is loved too. There are people out there who keep and painstakingly maintain garage queen cars and only drive them on very special occasions. A couple of mine are like that. So I can relate either way.

      • Midnight Mystery Says:

        I’ve seen them either way, but lately more high miles as the cars I really like are all a bit older now…

        I kind of got carried away, but want to share these memories…

        I saw a 2003 TL type S black on black, absolutely perfect… Clear headlights, paint soft as silk, no scratches, new tires, perfect wheels, perfect leather, all original and stock… 230,000 miles!!!

        I’ve also seen a 1999 Honda Accord in dark emerald oearl green, it was an LX, good paint, pretty clean, all original, 320,000 miles…

        Those two were at those low-cost beat-up car dealers too…

        And a pretty mint 2005 MDX in late 2012, white on biege, non-navi, 105,000 miles, for $14-15,000, I wish I had gotten it sometimes…

        The RDX I have now is a mere average at best, but it was cheap, and well maintained…

  12. […] Tyson Hugie was with Josh in Kuna, Idaho, for the 500,000 rollover, see how it all went down over at Drive to Five – Josh Clymer Update: 500,000 Mile Acura TSX Achievement! […]

  13. Tyson, I wish you would have given the world an “Oh Yeah!!” celebration like the guy at the link below. Do you recognize him? 😉

  14. Tyson… this blog has ruined (or saved, I’m not sure how I feel yet) my life! I see your ILX with almost 200k and your buddies TSX with HALF A MILLION and now I want to keep my ILX forever! That was never the plan! Haha, congrats to your friend though, on 500k but also on driving a showroom worthy Acura still! Hope you’re not melting out in AZ. Elliot

    • Haha, thanks Elliot! It’s mileage mania around here every day. I’m glad my readers can relate and appreciate it. Doing my best to keep from melting out here. Hope you have a nice three-day weekend planned!

  15. Pam Buckshon Says:

    I can’t believe it took me a month to get around to watching this. Thank you Chrome for Android for keeping all these windows open for me! Congratulations Josh, you must do an awful lot of driving. I’ve only got a quarter of that on my car, mind you it’s not my road trip vehicle. I think I’ll spend some more time in it and rack up those miles… Or kilometers I guess. Thank you Tyson, I feel special today 🙂
    06 TSX Nighthawk Black Pearl (blue flash)
    91 NSX Formula Red

    • Thank you Pam! It’s been inspirational to watch Josh on his journey (and it ain’t over yet!). Just yesterday I was corresponding with him about how he’s had his car dyno-tested. We will be seeing a blog post on TSX Travels very soon about that. I hope you have a fun weekend in store. Talk to you soon 🙂

  16. I hit 500K at the beginning of this year. 2012 Acura TSX…silver. Currently at 510k on 4/8/22

  17. Congratulations Josh! You’ve kept the TSX alive and going in all kinds of weather and road conditions.
    06 TSX
    91 NSX
    99 VFR800

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